The Ideal Solution for Reclaiming Sugar

ECOSORB, a proprietary adsorbent media, replaces powdered activated carbon (PAC) and diatomaceous earth (DE) in batch treatment processes.

ECOSORB is a specialized adsorbent media that effectively replaces powdered activated carbon (PAC) and diatomaceous earth (DE) in batch treatment processes. It offers benefits such as eliminating dust, reducing labor costs, improving quality, reducing solid waste, and eliminating the need for re-processing. With ECOSORB products, there is no dusty carbon or diatomaceous earth, making it a cleaner and more efficient solution for processing hard candies and reclaiming sugar from rework. The unique proprietary method of ECOSORB immobilizes adsorbents on inert carriers, providing a fast adsorption rate at low hydraulic pressure drop. This allows for high adsorption efficiency without the limitations of batch equilibrium processes. A major hard candy manufacturer successfully uses ECOSORB to recover sugar from rework, eliminating issues related to color, flavor, odor, and turbidity removal, as well as creating a more streamlined and cost-effective operation.

  • ECOSORB replaces PAC and DE in batch treatment processes
  • Benefits include elimination of dust, lower labor costs, improved quality, reduced solid waste, and elimination of re-processing
  • Unique proprietary method immobilizes adsorbents on inert carriers for high adsorption efficiency
  • ECOSORB is used by a major hard candy manufacturer to recover sugar from rework, streamlining operations and eliminating processing issues.

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